E.: high qualitya more social pretend play, more positive affect, less CG 1 rated difficult

E.: high qualitya more social pretend play, more positive affect, less CG 1 rated difficult

4 yrs: Children, low SES 7 , in good quality care a less aggressive, no effect on higher SES 7 .(2) aggressiveness of easy children positively affect by high quality DC 6 . Difficult children no decrease in aggressiveness in high quality setting (3) for boys, good qual care associated w/ less internalizing/ social withdrawal problems more ego strength/effectance

  1. better acad skills for boys only
  2. better social skills both girls boys
  3. fewer behavior problems both girls boys

M.E.: High qualitya more compliant at care, more self-regulation in lab. Longit (Preschool): M. Longit (Kindergarten): high qualitya less CG 1 rating of hostility

Process Qual (Long), age partialled out: Preschool: CG 1 involvement/investmenta observed social play, social pretend play, positive affect, less CG 1 rate difficult hesitant. Kindergarten: CG 1 involvementa less parent ratings of internalizing externalizing; less CG 1 rate of distract, hostile, higher rate verbal IQ, consideration.

Quantity, type Maternal PPVT-R, child gender, HOME maternal stimulation Bayley MDI , Bracken School Readiness, Macarthur CDI; Reynell Dev Lang Positive caregiving language stimulation significantly related to cognitive language outcomes at 24 36 mos

HMR: 1) selection variables, 2) child gender, 3) family envir, 4) quantity type of care, 5) positive caregiving (PC), 6) frequency of language stimulation (LS) see summary sheet

ECERS, CIS, UCLA ECOF, AIS, PPS, IEOS, STRS CG 1 education, CG 1 exper 4 , gender, ethnicity, beliefs Maternal education, child gender, child ethnicity PPVT-R, WJ-R (letter-word, math), CBI, ASB –Children who attended CC 5 w/ higher quality classroom practices had better language math skills from the preschool years into elementary school. (more…)

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